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Biodiversity Experts

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, large-scale agriculture and big business, our civilization has wielded the power to alter the Earth like no other civilization before us. Apart from global warming, our decade-long siege upon the natural world has resulted in (amongst other things) the destruction of entire ecosystems, the extinction of countless  species and the displacement of local or indigenous communities who depend the most on the natural world.


While there is a growing awareness of corporate responsibility, much more must be done to reduce, and repair our collective impact on the planet, quickly. With this in mind, CGM has established a biodiversity expert panel, to help build partnerships between the corporate and conservation worlds in conserving Malaysia’s biodiversity - our shared responsibility.


The panel comprises highly experienced individuals representing some of the best conservation NGOs in Malaysia, whose wide-ranging fields of expertise include forests, wetlands, species, and communities. You are welcome to get in touch with them directly to get their expert opinions or to explore synergies on how your organisation can contribute. For further information, please contact us at CGM. We are here to help.

Julian Hyde

Reef Check Malaysia

Dr Chen Pelf Nyok

Turtle Conservation Society

Dr Glen Reynolds

South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP)

Datuk Dr John Payne

Bringing Back Our Rare Animals (BORA)

Dr Serina Rahman

Kelab Alami Tanjung Kupang

Dr Felicity Oram

Pongo Alliance - Kinabatangan

Professor Reuben Clements

Sustainable Finance Specialist [ZSL]

Dr. Mark Rayan Darmaraj

Wildlife Conservation Society Malaysia Program

©2020 by Climate Governance Malaysia

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