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Asia-Pacific Climate Digest : Issue #32 Week 4, Oct 2021


Compiled by Purnima Joshi

Climate change continues to tighten the noose on humanity, posing the biggest ever existential threat to life on earth, with only a small percentage of the world’s population having remained as yet untouched. Surprisingly, one measure that so far remains grossly under-tapped is the transformative role that education can play in mitigating climate change. Even scientists skeptical about its feasibility agree that without carbon dioxide removal (CDR) - or "negative emission" - it will be very difficult to meet the Paris Agreement goal of capping global warming below two degrees Celsius.

On another front, Asia's addiction to fossil fuel continues and is threatening climate targets, and one of Australia’s largest coal miners is planning to raise $1 billion (US$740 billion) through the sale of bonds in China and Asia amid increasing financial pressures locally. Elsewhere, the Asian Development Bank pledged to elevate climate financing by US$20 billion to US$100 billion by 2030. And there's more...

Happy Reading!


ADB to increase climate finance to US$100 billion

Eco-Business, 15 Oct 2021

The Asian Development Bank has pledged to elevate climate financing by US$20 billion to US$100 billion by 2030. But the UN's António Guterres said that "much more is needed" as development banks have a crucial role to play in the world's low-carbon transition.


Meat : only on Mondays

Eco-Business, 18 Oct 2021

Meat and diary production are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The message from scientists is clear - we need to rethink what we put on our plates.

Has the spring sprung for China’s crop biodiversity?

China Dialogue, 15 Oct 2021

Maintaining crop genetic diversity needs the involvement of farming communities, and a system for sharing the benefits with them


Climate change may already affect 85 percent of humanity

Al Jazeera, 11 Oct 2021

Climate change could already be affecting 85 percent of the world’s population, an analysis of tens of thousands of scientific studies found.

Climate: Removing CO2 from the air no longer optional

The Economic Times, 19 Oct 2021

Even scientists sceptical about its feasibility agree that without carbon dioxide removal (CDR) -- aka "negative emission" -- it will be very difficult to meet the Paris Agreement goal of capping global warming below two degrees Celsius.

Education can catalyze climate action

China Daily, 19 Oct 2021

Climate change poses the biggest existential threat to humanity. As world leaders prepare to renew their pledge to combat the crisis amid increasingly frequent natural hazards and the raging pandemic, one measure that so far remains grossly under-tapped is the transformative role that education can play in mitigating climate change.


South Korea commits to 'challenging goal' of cutting emissions to 40% of 2018 levels by 2030

Channel News Asia, 18 Oct 2021

South Korea on Monday (Oct 18) officially committed to reducing national carbon emissions by 40 per cent of 2018 levels by 2030 ahead of the upcoming United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, a "very challenging target"

compared to an initial 26.3 per cent goal.


Asia School of Business : Are you ready for the Climate Change (D) Economy

Bernama, 18 Oct 2021

With the most to lose from climate change (up to $4.7 trillion in GDP according to the recent McKinsey Analysis), Asia is on the frontline of the climate crisis.


Australian Coal Giant Pivots to Asia as Climate Activism Strangles Domestic Funding

The Epoch Times, 18 Oct 2021

One of Australia’s largest coal miners is planning to raise $1 billion (US$740 million) through the sale of bonds in China and Asia amid increasing financial pressures locally due to climate change activism.

‘Utterly his own right’ for Scott Morrison to commit to net zero, Barnaby Joyce says

Guardian, 19 Oct 2021

Barnaby Joyce has acknowledged that Scott Morrison can commit Australia to a new net zero target without the endorsement of the Nationals’ party room.


Asia Is Struggling To Kick Its Coal Addiction

The Asean Post, 20 Oct 2021

Smokestacks belch noxious fumes into the air from a massive coal-fired power plant on the Indonesian coast, a stark illustration of Asia's addiction to the fossil fuel which is threatening climate targets.


Watch CNBC’s Sustainable Future Forum Asia: Industry Response

CNBC, 20 Oct 2021

It’s time to talk targets and check the promises that companies set. Are the gals achievable and what should happen if they ae missed?


What developing countries need to reach net zero

Eco-Business, 19 Oct 2021

Maldives calls for rapid and immediate action to fight climate change

CNBC, 18 Oct 2021

More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change

Cornell Chronicle, 19 Oct 2021


CGM's Asia-Pacific Climate Digest is compiled by communications consultant Purnima Joshi.

With over two decades of experience in corporate communications, Purnima combines her skills in creative and communication along with her passion for working for the community. She has worked on a multitude of projects in waste management, circular economy, building active citizenship in the community, some of which have won awards.

These also include a project on building climate resilience for UNICEF as well as some award-winning projects. She has been associated with several NGOs in an advisory capacity for over 10 years.


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