Contributed by Roshni Jayantilal, CEO of the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance
Climate Governance Malaysia (CGM) was pleased to be invited by the Malaysian Institute Corporate Governance (MICG) to join the 1st virtual Governance in SMEs Forum on 20 May. SMEs are keen to find a bigger role in the challenging business eco-system. The programme highlighted the importance of Governance practices in SMEs to enabling them to be a key strategic business partner in the supply chain.
Datin Seri Sunita Rajakumar, Founding Member of CGM, spoke on the importance of addressing climate change issues. SMEs as the backbone of an MNC’s supply chain, need to understand the global Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) standards MNCs need to comply with, to build their own systems.
Why are climate change issues important to a SME? Considered as both a risk and a threat, climate change issues can impact people’s health and safety. The financial viability of businesses will be questioned, should the wrong decisions and actions be taken. Climate change will impact agriculture and food production around the world due to the effects of elevated CO2 in the atmosphere; higher temperatures; altered precipitation and transpiration regimes; increased frequency of extreme events; and modified weed, pest, and pathogen pressure.
CGM together with MICG are committed to addressing the need to educate organisations and individuals about the serious impacts of climate change. We believe in leaving a footprint for the next generation.
The importance of respecting the environment is greater today than ever before.
Listen to this session at CGM's YouTube channel here: