Click here for the live recording of the 'Increasing Expectations on Reporting and Disclosure'.
Notable quotes from this session:
if you want to have good reporting, you need to start with good strategy, so in a sense the start of reporting is a series of actions that need to be taken before we even get to the reporting." Benjamin McCarron, Managing Director of AsiaResearch & Engagement
"Simply producing more and making claims that this more intensified method of production is at the same time sustainable, must have the reciprocity on the other side of consumers being able to make those conscious decisions to become sustainable. Therefore the system becomes sustainable and therefore supply chains and so forth must show people, not just products because the intent behind those consumption decisions and those percent production decisions are actually based on people." Puvan Selvanathan, CEO Bluenumber
"What's undeniable is the direction of travel and the rate of change in that we’re seeing sustainable reporting turbo charged by the need to meet investor requirements." Gabriel Wilson-Otto, Head of Stewardship, Asia Pacific for BNP Paribas Asset Management
"Sustainability reporting is a key criteria for EPF moving forward, there is increased demand for more detailed sustainability reporting, this is part of our aspiration to be fully ESG compliant portfolio by 2030." Ahmad Ridzuan bin Wan Idrus, Head of Investment Operations Department, Employees Provident Fund.
Ben McCarron shared the following slides:
Puvan Selvanathan shared the following slides:
"Cant be argued that climate risks are not hugely material, it will affect how accounts are being drawn up. Climate change and decarbonization affects all of us, the energy transition (which world has committed to implement) is rewiring our economic DNA, it is hard to see how any sector will be untouched." Datin Sunita Rajakumar, Chairperson of Climate Governance Malaysia